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0, continue to the “My Clothing Record” page using the following steps: My Record Portal is HRC's self-service portal for the Army’s Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, Retirees and Veterans. The Clothing Initial Issue Point (CIIP) is responsible for the initial issue of personal clothing items to the Initial Entry Training Soldier. nav_id=ssMyClothing Select Authentication Certificate Sign & Print View or print selected clothing record Soldiers can find their individual clothing record at https://ismmil/ism/SelfServiceServlet?nav. in turn-in formally issue the item to the requesting Soldier and add the item to the Soldier's OCIE record. fantasy maps generator Show All Army 365 Army Enterprise Support Development, Readiness & Safety Family Finance Medical, Health & Fitness HR & Records VA, Benefits & Services Legal, Security & Publications Tools Education, Training & Schools Travel Out-processing- All Soldiers must be in duty uniform to complete their final out-processing Clearance Papers DA Forms 137-1, Unit Clearance Record, issued by the Soldier's unit S1. This site and any of the content within does not constitute endorsement by the U Army, DoD or any other government agency. The system does not generate reports other than administrative reports covered by file number ( FN) 25-111. • PURPOSE: To provide information on Clothing Initial Issue Point (CIIP) procedures for the exchange of misfit and/or unserviceable clothing and footwear for OSUT/AIT Soldiers. jorf meaning in english United States Army Human Resources Command. AR 700-84, Issue and Sale of Personal Clothing d. Army Links strives to continuously enhance the way you access Army websites. Notice: Commercial access to Army 365 has been blocked. All Soldiers assigned, attached, or with duty to Fort Knox for 30 days or more, including RC Soldiers on a contingency or operational support mission report to Rockenbach Hall, Building 2020, 159 Black Horse Regiment Road, Room 130 to complete installation in-processing. The issue-in-kind personal clothing records provide an accountable document for clothing received by Reserve component enlisted soldier. backhoes for sale under dollar10000 Saddled with student loans and unable to find work that will pay even the most basic bills, Devon turned to the Army. ….

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